Los Angeles’ Community Land Trust Coalition

In a time when the pandemic has made the housing crisis more urgent than ever, protecting tenants is only one part of the equation. Liberty Hill also supports the creation and preservation of affordable housing to address the homelessness crisis.


Housing for All

Community Land Trusts (CLTs) have a critical role to play in preventing a wave of property acquisitions by speculative investors who seek to benefit financially from the economic devastation precipitated by COVID-19.

CLTs are a proven model for communities to control land and development, offering long-term retention through permanent affordability.

CLTs are nonprofit orgs governed by a board of community residents and public representatives that provide shared equity homeownership opportunities for families and communities.

By taking land off of the speculative market—allowing communities to hold them in trust in perpetuity—CLTs ensure community-serving uses and protection from speculative activities.

Liberty Hill is incubating five current CLTs through the Los Angeles Community Land Trust Coalition, and raises funds to support infrastructure and capacity building needs for the coalition.

Join the Movement

Community land trusts can advance a critical strategy that not only addresses current inequities, but also repairs historic racial and economic injustices. Now is the time to join in scaling this innovative and effective solution to the housing crisis.