emPOWER Outreach
Get emPOWERed! Flex Your Energy-Saving Muscle and Save on Utility Costs! Find your eligibility for lower utility rates and energy efficiency rebates.
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Everyone has a right to live in a healthy environment.
The emPOWER program is a coordinated regional-wide outreach program with a mission to overcome barriers to sustainable energy usage commonly experienced in low-income and working-class communities of color.
Pay less for the energy you use! Reduce the amount you spend on gas and electricity bills through discounts and financial aid.
Sustainability starts at home! Make your home more energy efficient through repairs, upgrades, rebates and more.
Transition to green transportation! Get polluting cars off the road via replacement-rebate programs for hybrid and electric vehicles.
A Year of Progress: 2021 By The Numbers
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Find your local organization below
Pacoima Beautiful
Pacoima Beautiful is a grassroots environmental justice organization that provides education, impacts local policy, and supports local arts and culture in order to promote a healthy and sustainable San Fernando Valley.
Pacoima/San Fernando Valley
Mari Tovar (747) 474-8806 mtovar@pacoimabeautiful.org
Dalia Huerta (818) 899-2454
Jennifer Sanchez (818) 899-2454
Redeemer Community Partnership
Redeemer Community Partnership is a nonprofit community development corporation committed to the health, safety and well-being of children and their families in our South LA neighborhood.
South Central/ Expo Park/Jefferson Park/South LA
Martha Lozano (323) 274-8949 martha@redeemercp.org
Wendy Salvador wendy@redeemercp.org
Latino and Latina Roundtable
The Latino/a Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley works to improve quality of life and socio-economic justice for the Latinx community and those facing inequities through advancing education, leadership development, and civic participation.
Pomona & Inland Empire
Kimberly Hernández kimhernandez@latinolatinaroundtable.org/p>
Training Occupational Development Educating Communities
TODEC’s mission is to empower disenfranchised immigrant communities to become economically, socially, educationally, and civically self-sufficient while enhancing individual self-esteem and community health. The overall purpose of TODEC is to ensure equitable access to information, immigration legal services, community education, advocacy, and civic engagement for limited and non-English speaking people including immigrants and migrant workers throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, and Imperial counties.
Inland Empire, Coachella Valley
United American Indian Involvement
To promote and support the physical, behavioral, and spiritual well-being of American Indian/Alaska Natives in the urban Los Angeles area by providing comprehensive, integrated services that focus on all age groups and incorporate American Indian/Alaska Native cultures and traditions.
Urban Los Angeles
Richard Cruz rcruz@uaii.org (213) 202-3970 ext. 7150
Socal Pacific Islander Covid-19 Response Team
SoCal PICRT is a coalition of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community-based organizations and advocates providing much-needed resources and information to our communities in the the cities and counties across Southern California. SoCal PICRT is a member of the National Pacific Islander COVID-19 Response Team.
Southern California
Lorraine Tuala Logoai lorraine@pacificislanderhealth.org
Melody Satele melody@pacificislanderhealth.org
Liberty Hill
Liberty Hill Foundation is a laboratory for social change philanthropy. We leverage the power of community organizers, donor activists, and allies to advance social justice through strategic investment in grants, leadership training, and campaigns.
Los Angeles Region
Gerrlyn Gacao ggacao@libertyhill.org
Andres Gonzalez agonzalez@libertyhill.org
Jessica Prieto jprieto@libertyhill.org
Valley Clean Air Now
Valley Clean Air Now (Valley CAN), is a 501(c)(3) public charity committed to quantifiably reducing air emissions in California’s San Joaquin Valley, the region with the worst air quality in the United States.
San Joaquin Valley Air Basin
Jessica Alzofon Jessica.alzofon@valleycan.org