Right to Counsel
The Right to Counsel Coalition began in June of 2019. We are now working to ensure that RTC will be implemented in a way that turns a law into a right, that builds tenant power and that transforms the nature of the housing court system
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Empowering Tenant Rights
As more renters across the County are thrown into the housing crisis, Liberty Hill will continue the fight for a roof over every head to ensure everyone has access to safe, healthy, and affordable housing.
Any homelessness measure or anti-displacement mechanism is incomplete without eviction prevention. Stabilizing current housing through a codified Right to Counsel is the most effective prevention strategy we have to prevent illegal displacement.
Through our involvement in Stay Housed L.A., an initiative of the Renter’s Right to Counsel – LA coalition, Liberty Hill and our community partners are working to advance the goal of a right to counsel, ensuring every renter facing eviction has legal representation.
The L.A. Right to Counsel Coalition is made up of tenants, tenant organizing groups and advocates, homeless advocates, academics, and legal services organizations.
The Coalition is calling for a Universal Renters’ Right to Counsel for tenants facing eviction, including legal representation, eviction prevention services, and emergency rental assistance.
Stronger Together
Together the coalition also campaigns for the following protections:
- A codified right to legal representation for all tenants facing eviction in the City and County of Los Angeles
- Eviction prevention services, including targeted tenant outreach and education
- Emergency rental assistance
- Data-driven phase in, prioritizing neighborhoods with greatest needs first. In particular, the low-income communities of color facing mass displacement from Los Angeles
- Complete the phase-in of the Right to Counsel so that tenants living throughout the City and County are covered by the end of 2024
Liberty Hill and our community partners are laying the groundwork to build a tenants’ movement across L.A. County.
Together, we can stop the displacement of families, the destabilization of our communities, and rising tide of homelessness.