For more than 40 years, Liberty Hill has invested in innovative activism in L.A. Our strategic investments build the power of grassroots community organizing groups to win significant social change.
Strategic Investment Through Grantmaking
Our Fund for Change and Liberty Vote! programs provide general operating support grants for community and electoral organizing in L.A. County.
Liberty Hill’s grant programs aim to build power in communities most impacted by systemic oppression to advance equity and justice.
Most of our grantmaking decisions are shaped by community members through participatory grantmaking—either through our Community Funding Board or coalitions of activists working together to advance strategic initiatives.
We support both 501(c)(3) organizations and501(c)(4) organizations in Los Angeles County.
Grant Programs
Liberty Hill provides seed grants to emerging organizations as well as grants to established organizations with a track record of community organizing and policy wins.
Liberation Fund
Investing in community-led solutions to end system involvement for girls & gender expansive youth.
Bold Vision Power Building Grants
Bold Vision is a multi-sector, multi-year initiative that aims to transform systems within L.A. County to ensure that L.A.’s Black, Native American & Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and Pacific Islander youth thrive and meet their fullest potential.
Fund for Change
The Fund for Change program funds 501(c)(3) organizations and provides general operating support grants for community organizing in Los Angeles County.
Rapid Response Funds
These emergency funds are designed to support immediate frontline community needs and the organizations that are pressing for urgently needed reforms in times of change.
emPOWER Outreach
The emPOWER Program is a partnership that connects low-income residents to more than 60 money and energy-saving programs, including rate payer incentives, energy efficiency upgrades, solar and clean vehicle rebates, and much more.
Liberty Vote!
The Liberty Vote! program funds 501(c)(4) organizations and provides general operating support grants for electoral organizing in Los Angeles County.
Our Kids, Our Future
The Our Kids, Our Future Pooled Fund has raised millions of dollars in support of piloting innovative youth development programs with the goal of shrinking the number of arrests and closing youth jails to free up public funds to invest in youth development for low-income youth of color.
Public Health Councils Program
Liberty Hill is partnering with L.A. County and multiple community organizations to launch a Public Health Councils program designed to empower workers in prioritized sectors to ensure public COVID-19 health orders are followed at their workplaces, and ensure workers are protected from retaliation.
Stay Housed LA
Stay Housed L.A. is a partnership between Liberty Hill, the County of L.A., tenant-led community organizations, and legal services providers to provide tenants with the support needed to exercise their rights so that they can remain safely in their homes.
Ready To Rise
Ready to Rise is a public/private partnership between Liberty Hill, the California Community Foundation and the Los Angeles County Department of Probation that expands opportunities and resources for programs that keep youth out of the criminal justice system and help those in the system successfully transition back into the community.
The Bertha Wolf & Lance Miller Families Fund for Community Service
Established by two generous donors, this program provides six or more young people (ages 18-25) with a stipend of at least $6,500 each, while they work at a nonprofit organization in Southern California.