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The Fight for Justice for All Begins at Home. Join the movement for a more just and equitable Los Angeles today!

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Together We Can Change L.A.!

Our Justice for All Campaign seeks to raise awareness of the critical issues facing Los Angeles as we deal with both a global pandemic and existing systemic problems facing our region.

Stay updated on local news from the Home for Progressive Los Angeles.

Get involved and make your voice heard with local actions on everything from climate to housing, and justice for vulnerable system-impacted youth.

Climate to housing, and justice for vulnerable system-impacted youth. Donate Today and support the movement for a more just future for Los Angeles!

Featured Video

2021 Voices of Change: Justice for All

Spoken Word Activation/Contest


Join the Fight for Justice for All

Now, more than ever, we are in this together. Our strength is in the collective power of many voices calling for change. Join the Justice for All Movement today!