Electoral Power Building

Building Electoral Power with Liberty Vote!

June 26, 2024
By Andres Magaña

Liberty Hill believes the people most affected by injustice should be leading the fight for change—from the protest march to the ballot box.

Liberty Hill’s Liberty Vote! initiative expands on that vision, supporting organizations that engage in electoral organizing, advocacy, and other civic engagement strategies in Los Angeles County. The nonpartisan electoral engagement program offers Electoral Engagement Grants to frontline organizations working to increase voter engagement in disenfranchised communities.

Its goal is to build the electoral power of the communities most harmed by systemic oppression so that they can win progressive policy changes. By helping grassroots partners add voter engagement to their organizing toolkit, Liberty Vote! donors are amplifying the voices of the grassroots in the halls of power.

Liberty Vote! also supports ballot initiatives spearheaded by grassroots organizers and advance justice and equity, such Measure A, which seeks to increase funding for affordable housing, mental health and substance abuse services for homeless people, and rental or legal assistance for tenants in LA County.

While current efforts are directed towards the November elections, the long-term goal of Liberty Vote! is to catalyze change with year-round attention to building civic engagement, from voting to attending public hearings, contacting elected officials, and creating political pressure for progressive change.

Visit our Electoral Power Building page for more about our Liberty Vote! initiative and learn how you can support trusted partners on the ground that are leading the work to increase voter engagement in Los Angeles.

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Liberty Vote!