Economic & Housing Justice

Measure A Hits the Ballot Box

June 26, 2024
By Andres Magaña

At a recent rally outside the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder's Office, housing advocates and community members presented 410,000 signatures for a new initiative to address LA’s affordable housing and homelessness crisis.

Known as the “Affordable Housing, Homelessness Solution and Prevention Now” initiative, the measure now has the required 238,922 valid signature to make it on the November 2024 ballot.

Led by a coalition of more than 115 community-based organizations and labor groups called The Bold New Way, the “Affordable Housing, Homelessness Solution and Prevention Now” initiative, or Measure A, was crafted by housing experts and community leaders to address the urgency of housing affordability, renter protections, and mental health in Los Angeles County.

The measure will aim to help tens of thousands Angelenos living on LA County streets by increasing and accelerating the availability of affordable housing and creating mental health and substance abuse prevention services that meet the needs of the population. The measure will also preserve currently affordable housing and secure tenants’ rights and services including rental assistance, legal assistance and other measures.

If passed by LA voters, Measure A would replace the quarter-cent sales tax established through Measure H in 2017 with a permanent half-cent sales tax, raising an approximate $1.2 billion dollars in annual revenue.

This critical funding will address the root causes of LA’s housing crisis while ensuring greater accountability—legally requiring programs to hit specific goals of reducing homelessness, with strict independent oversight.

Liberty Hill Housing Justice grantees and community partners—including United Way of Greater Los Angeles, Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance, SAJE, LiBRE, ACCE, LA Voice, and others—have united to back this new bold approach with urgency and believe the initiative will significantly reduce and prevent homelessness in L.A. County.

Learn more about the frontline fight for Housing Justice in Los Angeles County.