Ready to Rise Partners Building Capacity Virtually
Our Ready to Rise partners are busier than ever -- providing enhanced mental and emotional health services, peer support groups, virtual learning, as well as financial and food assistance. These expanded services are meeting critical needs for families in crisis and youth coming home from lock-up.
Liberty Hill is proud to support our Ready to Rise partners with customized training and coaching to adapt their programs and stabilize their organizations during this pandemic. In partnership with Destiny Coaching and Consulting, we hosted three virtual training sessions to address the immediate needs that organizations identified. These included sessions on emotional wellness and stress management for staff members, resources for online facilitation as programming moves online and financial planning for nonprofits to address immediate concerns about the impact of the pandemic on budgets and finances.
On April 16 we brought together all of our Ready to Rise partners for peer-learning and sharing. We hosted space for organizations to relay immediate needs and concerns of community members and organizations, share tools and resources on virtual organizing, and discuss ways to use this crisis as an opportunity to push for long-term structural changes. Groups were able to discuss best practices, innovative ways they are outreaching to youth and their families as well as identify common challenges that they are facing at this time. We look forward to continuing to provide space for organizations serving youth and their families to learn from one another and strategize together.
To learn more about Ready to Rise, click here.

This conceptual art piece was created based on the lively conversation during our virtual convening.
Ready to Rise Grantees:
- Antelope Valley Partners for Health
- California Youth Connection
- Community Coalition
- Community Development Technologies Center
- Community Partners: Safe Place for Youth
- Community Partners: Teens Exploring Technology
- EmpowHer Institute
- Girls Club of Los Angeles
- InnerCity Struggle
- Legacy LA Youth Development Corporation
- Long Beach BLAST
- Youth Emerging Stronger
- Lost Angels Children's Project Inc
- Pops the Club
- Southern California Crossroads
- The California Conference for Equality and Justice
- Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural
- Centro Community Hispanic Association Inc.
- Coalition for Engaged Education
- Flintridge Center
- A Place Called Home
- Amazing Grace Conservatory
- Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club
- Boys & Girls Club of San Fernando Valley
- Bridge Builders Foundation
- Central American Resource Center
- Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking
- Communities for a Better Environment
- Good City Mentors
- Heart of Los Angeles Youth, Inc.
- Homies Unidos, Inc.
- Khmer Girls in Action
- Koreatown Youth & Community Center, Inc.
- LURN fbo Meztli Projects
- Mar Vista Family Center
- New Directions for Youth, Inc.
- New Village Girls Academy
- Pasadena Altadena Coalition of Transformative Leaders
- Positive Results Corporation
- Proyecto Pastoral
- Reclaiming Americas Communities Through Empowerment
- Sanctuary of Hope
- Sharefest Community Development
- Stars: Illuminate, Educate, Advocate
- The BUILD Program
- The Learning Centers at Fairplex
- The Unusual Suspects Theatre Company
- United Friends of the Children
- Youth Mentoring Connection