Donor Advised Funds
A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a simple tool that individuals can use to administer their philanthropic dollars, much like a charitable savings account. At Liberty Hill, we provide philanthropic knowledge, expertise and administration, while helping charitable donors manage and disburse their funds by connecting them to cutting-edge social justice organizations doing impactful work in Los Angeles and beyond. To learn more, please contact or call 323-556-7203.

- 10th Street Preschool Scholarship Fund
- A Better World Fund
- Back to Life Re-Entry Fund
- Bagel-OBrien Fund
- Bertha Wolf & Lance Miller Families Fund for Community Service
- Breadbox Fund
- Byock-Shaw Family Fund
- C&G Fund for Progress
- Carol Sobel Fund
- Cassandra Fund
- Catalyst Fund
- Citizen Jones Action Fund
- Cypress LLP Fund
- Dean Hansell-Shirley Lens Fund
- Erika Glazer Fund
- Garcetti-Wakeland Human Rights & Economic Justice Fund
- Gordon Davidson Archive Fund
- Gordon Davidson Emerging Artists Fund
- Hancock Fund
- Harold & Stephanie Bronson Fund
- I Got You Fund
- Jason & Lika Litt Fund
- Jon Christensen
- Joy Kamensky Fund
- Katharine King Fund
- Kesa Kivel Fund
- Kicking Assets Fund
- KMBL Fund
- Lawson Justice Fund
- Lesbians Occupy Change Fund
- Lichter-Marck Fund
- Live Oak Fund
- Lynn Kirshbaum Fund
- M. Asselin - J. Meltzer Fund
- M. Katherine Baird Darmer Equality Scholarship Fund
- Manuel Pastor and Betsy Hamilton Fund
- Moja Moja Innovation Fund
- Otoño Fund
- Patty Kestin Fund
- Paula & Barry Litt Fund
- Pressman-Holmes Family Fund
- Queer Youth Fund
- Rabbi Barbara Zacky Fund
- Ray of Light Fund
- Red Green Blue Fund
- Richard and Taylor Beale Family Fund
- Robert Greenwald and Heidi Frey Greenwald
- Roberta Conroy Charitable Fund
- Satterberg Foundation Fund
- Schaffer Family Fund
- Sherry & Leo Frumkin Family Fund
- Southern California Youth Organizing Capacity Building Fund
- Stone’s Throw to Skid Row Fund
- Stormer-Breidenbach Fund
- The Arnold Peterson Fund
- The David Rosenauer and Rex Walker Fund
- The Jordan Family Fund
- The Los Angeles Activist Video Archive Fund
- The Opportunity Fund
- Travis Sowders Future Fund
- WWGD Fund
- 3 anonymous funds