Putting A Passion For Justice Into Action
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)
Donor Advised Funds (DAF) are a crucial component of Liberty Hill’s laboratory of social change philanthropy, offering opportunities for donors to fund new and innovative models for empowering communities and supporting systemic change.
Allison Thomas: A Commitment to Restorative Giving
Several years ago, donor activist Allison Thomas became interested in researching her family history and roots, which she knew extended to Colonial Virginia. When she discovered she was a descendant of a
wealthy merchant and planter who owned more than 1,000 enslaved Africans in the 1700s, she was resolute. The revelation led her to deeper research, reflection, and a monumental decision—to invest all her inheritance from that side of her family into Black-led community organizations and efforts to uplift and empower Black communities. She heard that setting up a donor advised fund (DAF) at a community foundation as a great way to get to know the local giving ecosystem— which led her to opening a DAF at Liberty Hill.
Her approach to restorative giving involves spending her donor advised fund down to zero and then replenishing it each year.
“I’m a fan of long-term funding for Black-led community organizations. These leaders know what their communities need, and I think we should trust them to decide what they should do with the funding.”
I grew up in Los Angeles, so I wanted to focus my giving here. Liberty Hill has been a great place to learn about what’s going on and where my support can be most impactful.

We are deeply grateful for the unwavering commitment of Liberty Hill’s longtime donor activists and funding partners and the many individuals and organizations that began new partnerships with Liberty Hill during this critical moment in history.
Together, we are bending the Arc towards justice.
Donors who made gifts in FY23 between 10/2/23 and 9/30/24 are listed below.
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)
Allison Thomas Racial Justice Fund
Andrew and Matty Wilder
Charitable Fund
Arnold Peterson Fund
As Above So Below Supply Store
Back to Life Re-Entry Fund
Bagel-OBrien Fund
Celia Bernstein, Brad Kesden
& Lena Kesden
Bertha Wolf & Lance Miller Families
Fund for Community Service
A Better World Fund
Breadbox Fund
Brenda & Paul Hudson Fund
Byock-Shaw Family Fund
C&G Fund for Progress
Carol Sobel Fund
Cassandra Fund
Catalyst Fund
Cypress LLP Fund
David Rosenauer and Rex Walker Fund
Dean Hansell-Shirley Lens Fund
E. Meltzer and J. Thometz Family Fund
Fe Fi Fo Fund
Flora Fund
Garcetti-Wakeland Human Rights
& Economic Justice Fund
Grant Grace Giving Fund
Hancock Fund
Harold & Stephanie Bronson Fund
In This Together Fund
Jon Christensen
Jordan Family Fund
Joy Kamensky Fund
Katharine King Fund
Kesa Kivel Fund
Kicking Assets Fund
Lawson Justice Fund
Lesbians Occupy Change Fund
Lichter-Marck Fund
Lichter-Marck Next Generation Fund
Linea Social Justice Foundation
Live Oak Fund
Los Angeles
Activist Video Archive Fund
Lynn Kirshbaum Fund
M. Asselin - J. Meltzer Fund
M. Katherine Baird Darmer
Equality Scholarship Fund
Manuel Pastor and
Betsy Hamilton Fund
McLane, Bednarski & Litt Fund
Meltzer-Thorne Family Fund
Michael Latt Legacy Fund
Miscellaneous Fund
Opportunity Fund
Paula & Barry Litt Fund
Plumeria Fund
Pressman-Holmes Family Fund
Rabbi Barbara Zacky Fund
RandEm Journey Fund
Ray of Light Fund
Red Green Blue Fund
Richard and Taylor Beale Family Fund
Robert & Heidi Greenwald Fund
Roberta Conroy Charitable Fund
Sahasrabudhe DAF
Satterberg Foundation Fund
Schaffer Family Fund
Slow Harmony Fund
Southern California Youth
Organizing Capacity Building Fund
Stone’s Throw to Skid Row Fund
Stormer-Breidenbach Fund
V&A Charitable Fund
*2 Anonymous Funds