Supporting Justice for All
Donor Advised Funds
Our Donor Advised Fund (DAF) holders set up this flexible charitable giving vehicle as an alternative to creating a private foundation. This DAF account enables them to give to organizations in their area of interest with the support of Liberty Hill’s advising and administrative expertise.

Celia Bernstein, Donor Advised Fund Holder
“I have been a Liberty Hill supporter since 1988, but several years ago I opened a donor advised fund (DAF) with my husband, Brad, and my 26-year-old daughter, Lena. I increased my support of Liberty Hill because I believe in sharing decision-making power over my philanthropy. I want to be a part of Liberty Hill’s investment in community organizing and power building where it’s most needed in LA. I also believe in Liberty Hill’s practice of making grantmaking decisions through a Community Funding Board.
By working with Liberty Hill’s philanthropic advisors, my giving to Black-led organizations increased exponentially, reaching more than a dozen rising grassroots groups, Black-led giving circles, and major initiatives anchoring racial justice in Los Angeles.
Liberty Hill’s philanthropic advisors met with us to determine our interests and even met with Lena separately to craft recommendations to help maximize the impact she wants to make. Thank you Liberty Hill for being our family’s philanthropic hub for social change!”
Donor Advised Funds
A Better World Fund
Allison Thomas Racial Justice Fund
Andrew and Matty Wilder Charitable Fund
As Above So Below Supply Store
Back to Life Re-Entry Fund
Bagel-OBrien Fund
Bertha Wolf & Lance Miller Families Fund for Community Service
Breadbox Fund
Brenda & Paul Hudson Fund
Byock-Shaw Family Fund
C&G Fund for Progress
Carol Sobel Fund
Cassandra Fund
Catalyst Fund
Cypress LLP Fund
Dean Hansell-Shirley Lens Fund
E. Meltzer and J. Thometz Family Fund
Erika Glazer Fund
Flora Fund
Garcetti-Wakeland Human Rights & Economic Justice Fund
Gordon Davidson Archive Fund
Gordon Davidson Emerging Artists Fund
Grant Grace Giving Fund
Hancock Fund
Harold & Stephanie Bronson Fund
In This Together Fund
Jason & Lika Litt Fund
Jon Christensen
Joy Kamensky Fund
Katharine King Fund
Kesa Kivel Fund
Kicking Assets Fund
Lawson Justice Fund
Lesbians Occupy Change Fund
Lichter-Marck Fund
Lichter-Marck Next Generation Fund
Live Oak Fund
Lynn Kirshbaum Fund
M. Asselin - J. Meltzer Fund
M. Katherine Baird Darmer Equality Scholarship Fund
Manuel Pastor and Betsy Hamilton Fund
Miscellaneous Fund
Moja Moja Innovation Fund
Patty Kestin Fund
Paula & Barry Litt Fund
Plumeria Fund
Pressman-Holmes Family Fund
Queer Youth Fund
Rabbi Barbara Zacky Fund
RandEm Journey Fund
Ray of Light Fund
Red Green Blue Fund
Richard and Taylor Beale Family Fund
Robert Greenwald and Heidi Frey Greenwald Fund
Roberta Conroy Charitable Fund
Satterberg Foundation Fund
Schaffer Family Fund
Sherry & Leo Frumkin Family Fund
Southern California Youth Organizing Capacity Building Fund
Stone’s Throw to Skid Row Fund
Stormer-Breidenbach Fund
The Arnold Peterson Fund
The David Rosenauer and Rex Walker Fund
The Jordan Family Fund
The Los Angeles Activist
Video Archive Fund
The Opportunity Fund
*2 Anonymous Funds