Building Foundation, Corporate & Government Partnerships
Liberty Hill works in collaboration with many organizations and partners who help power the work of progress and transformational change in Los Angeles.
LA Dodgers Foundation Partnership

As a powerful ally of our work over the years, the Dodgers Foundation has been unwavering in its commitment to our shared vision of social justice, equity, and community empowerment. Not only have they provided important financial support to help fund our mission, but they have also used their powerful voice to amplify important issues such as our youth development work in LA County. The foundation dedicated the proceeds from their Black Heritage Night at Dodger Stadium raffle to Liberty Hill.
The funds raised will go to support the California Funders for Boys and Men of Color (CFBMoC)—a statewide initiative to remove systemic barriers and create pathways to enable boys and men of color to achieve their best. Champions on and off the field!
New Statewide Environmental Leadership Initiative

In 2024, we announced the inaugural cohort of our new Environmental Leadership Initiative (ELI)—a groundbreaking fellowship program that invests in the development, empowerment and growth of emerging leaders dedicated to advancing environmental justice in communities across the state. Twenty-two leaders from Black, Indiginous and People of Color (BIPOC), immigrant, Native Californian and tribal nation communities, were selected from a pool of nearly 120 applicants.
Together, participants deepen their understanding of environmental justice principles, engage in collective movement-building work, and develop the skills necessary to create lasting impact in their local communities.
This program is hosted by Liberty Hill Foundation, through the generous support and investment from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Foundation/Institutional Partnership Highlights
- Erol Foundation doubled its support for STANDLA, helping this coalition fight off formidable opposition to neighborhood oil drilling bans.
- Meadow Fund and Satterberg Foundation continue to build power in LA by providing consistent, flexible support that allows Liberty Hill to remain a stable and steadfast supporter of movement building across the region.
- L.A. Care Health Plan bolstered the impact of the Stay Housed LA county contract by filling in funding gaps to ensure the program is fully funded.
- The Heising-Simons Foundation and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation renewed grants to fortify a countywide transformative alternative to youth incarceration, centering youth voices.
FY 24 Government & Other Contracts
- City of Long Beach (Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles)
- City of Los Angeles (Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles)
- County of Los Angeles (Executive Office Board of Supervisors)
- County of Los Angeles (Dept. of Public Health, Public Health Councils)
- County of Los Angeles (Department of Public Health, Silicosis Prevention)
- County of Los Angeles (Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles)
EJ Ready Partners with White House EJ Council on Bus Tour

As part of our EJ Ready initiative to leverage funds from the federal government and ensure communities that have been overburdened by pollution and historic underinvestment benefit from EJ-related funding locally, Liberty Hill and the Resource Legacy Fund hosted its inaugural EJ Ready Bus Tour. The tour centered community voices and highlighted the work being led by frontline environmental justice communities. Guests included the White House Council on Environmental Quality and the White House Environmental Justice Inter-Agency Council who participated in facilitated conversations among public agencies charged with the disbursement of these resources and community partners seeking to increase overall support to access and mobilize public infrastructure resources.
Having foundations step up and partner with communities, having communities be able to share what the difficulties are and what the barriers are, and then creating the spaces where people can work together to partner—EJ Ready is a model that I think should really be used across the country.

We are deeply grateful for the unwavering commitment of Liberty Hill’s funding partners and the many individuals and organizations that began new partnerships with Liberty Hill during this critical moment in history.
Together, we are bending the Arc towards justice.
Donors who made gifts in FY23 between 10/1/23 and 9/30/24 are listed below.
Amalgamated Bank
Ballmer Group
California Air Resources Board -
Electrify America, LLC
Edison International
GYL Decauwer LLP
Jemmott Rollins Group
L.A. Care Health Plan
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Los Angeles Rams
Ocean & Mountain Communications
11th Hour Project/
Schmidt Family Foundation
Angell Foundation
Annenberg Foundation
The Barack Obama Foundation
California Community Foundation
The California Endowment
The California Wellness Foundation
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
David Bohnett Foundation
The David Geffen Foundation
Dwight Stuart Youth Fund
Erol Foundation
Heising-Simons Foundation
The James Irvine Foundation
JPB Foundation
Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation
The M&T Fantastic Family Foundation
Marisla Foundation
Meadow Fund of the
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Rosenberg Foundation
The Rosenthal Family Foundation
Roy + Patricia Disney
Family Foundation
Satterberg Foundation
Sierra Health Foundation: Center for
Health Program Management
Tides Foundation
Waverley Street Foundation
Weingart Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
By Way of Us
Catalyst California
Cause Communications
Environment + Justice Donor Circle
First 5 LA
The Impact Group,
RBC Capital Markets
Innercity Struggle
LIFT-Los Angeles
Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade, Inc.
Los Angeles College Faculty
Guild Local 1521
Los Angeles Alliance
For A New Economy (LAANE)
Sanctuary of Hope
SEIU Local 2015 Issues Pac
Shout! Factory
Social Environmental Entrepreneurs
Social Good Solutions
Social Justice Learning Institute Inc
Southern California Grantmakers
Starfish Impact
Strategic Actions For A Just Economy
United Way of Los Angeles
USC Equity Research Institute
Vision y Compromiso